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My research results are described in the following publications, including the following:

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1. D. L. Marks, J. B. Geddes III, and S. A. Boppart, "Matched pulse stimulated Raman scattering," United States Patent # US8300228 B2 (2012).


1. J. B. Geddes III, "Large-scale lithography for energy applications," proposal accepted and manuscript in preparation under contract, SPIE Press: Bellingham, WA, USA (2015).

Book chapters

1. J. B. Geddes III, "Prospects for thermoacoustic technology," in Innovations and Materials for Green Engineering, Volume III, A. Lakhtakia and C. E. Bakis, Editors, Pennsylvania State University: University Park, PA, USA (2001).
2. J. B. Geddes III, "Towards shaping of pulsed plane waves in the time domain via chiral sculptured thin films," in Frontiers in Optical Technology: Materials and Devices, P. K. Choudhury and O. N. Singh, Editors, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, USA (2006).
3. B J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Thin-film metamaterials called sculptured thin films," in Trends in Nanophysics: Theory, Experiment and Technology, A. Aldea and V. Bârsan, Eds., Springer-Verlag: New York, NY, USA (2010).
4. J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Sculptured thin films," in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, V. N. Kharkin, C. Bai, O. O. Awaldekarim, and S. Kapitsa, Eds., Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers: Oxford, UK (2009) 6-152-4.
5. J. B. Geddes III, O. Seitz, and B. Kobrin, "Transparent metal mesh conductors for touch screen displays," submitted to Handbook of Visual Display Technology, Springer: London, UK (2015).

Journal articles

1. P J. B. Geddes III, M. W. Meredith, and A. Lakhtakia, "Circular Bragg phenomenon and pulse bleeding in cholesteric liquid crystals," Opt. Commun. 182 (2000) 45-57.
2. P J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Time-domain signature of an axially excited cholesteric liquid crystal. Part II: Rectangular wide-extent pulses," Optik 112 (2001) 62-66.
3. P J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Reflection and transmission of optical narrow-extent pulses by axially excited chiral sculptured thin films," Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 13 (2001) 3-14; Erratum: 16 (2001) 247.
4. P J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Time-domain simulation of the circular Bragg phenomenon exhibited by axially excited chiral sculptured thin films," Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 14 (2001) 97-105; Erratum: 16 (2001) 247.
5. P J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Pulse-coded information transmission across an axially excited chiral-sculptured thin film in the Bragg regime," Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett. 28 (2001) 59-62.
6. P J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Videopulse bleeding in axially excited chiral sculptured thin films in the Bragg regime," Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 17 (2002) 21-24.
7. P J. Wang, A. Lakhtakia, and J. B. Geddes III, "Multiple Bragg regimes exhibited by a chiral sculptured thin film half-space on axial excitation," Optik 113 (2002) 213-221.
8. P J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Effects of carrier phase on reflection of optical narrow-extent pulses from axially excited chiral sculptured thin films," Opt. Commun. 225 (2003) 141-150.
9. P A. Lakhtakia and J. B. Geddes III, "Nanotechnology for optics is a phase-length-time sandwich," Opt. Eng. 43 (2004) 2410-2417.
10. P J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Numerical investigation of reflection, refraction, and diffraction of pulsed optical beams by chiral sculptured thin films," Opt. Commun. 252 (2005) 307-320.
11. A P A. Lakhtakia and J. B. Geddes III, "Scattering by a nihility cylinder," AEÜ Int. J. Electron. Commun. 61 (2007) 62-65.
12. A P J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Quantification of optical pulsed-plane-wave-shaping by chiral sculptured thin films," J. Mod. Opt. 53 (2006) 2763-2783.
13. A P J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Swamping of circular Bragg phenomenon and shaping of videopulses," Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett. 49 (2007) 776-779.
14. A P J. B. Geddes III, T. G. Mackay, and A. Lakhtakia, "On the refractive index for a nonmagnetic two-component medium: resolution of a controversy," Opt. Commun. 280 (2007) 120-125.
15. P Y. C. Chen, J. B. Geddes III, J. T. Lee, P. V. Braun, and P. Wiltzius, "Holographically fabricated photonic crystals with large reflectance," Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 (2007) 241103.
16. A P A. Lakhtakia, J. B. Geddes III, and T. G. Mackay, "When does the choice of the refractive index of a linear, homogeneous, isotropic, active, dielectric medium matter?," Opt. Express 15 (2007) 17709-17714.
17. P H. C. Ko, M. P. Stoykovich, J. Song, V. Malyarchuk, W. M. Choi, C.-J. Yu, J. B. Geddes III, J. Xiao, S. Wang, Y. Huang, and J. A. Rogers, "A hemispherical electronic eye camera based on compressible silicon optoelectronics," Nature 454 (2008) 748-753.
18. P J. Yoon, A. J. Baca, S.-I. Park, P. Elvikis, J. B. Geddes III, L. Li, R. H. Kim, J. Xiao, S. Wang, T.-H. Kim, M. J. Motala, B. Y. Ahn, E. B. Duoss, J. A. Lewis, R. G. Nuzzo, P. M. Ferreira, Y. Huang, A. Rockett, and J. A. Rogers, "Ultrathin silicon solar microcells for semitransparent, mechanically flexible and microconcentrator module designs," Nature Mater. 7 (2008) 907-915.
19. A P A. Lakhtakia, T. G. Mackay, and J. B. Geddes III, "On the inapplicability of a negative-phase-velocity condition for active materials," Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett. 51 (2009) 1230.
20. P D. L. Marks, J. B. Geddes III, and S. A. Boppart, "Molecular identification by generating coherence between molecular normal modes using stimulated Raman scattering," Opt. Lett. 34 (2009) 1756-1758.
21. P A. Lakhtakia, T. G. Mackay, and J. B. Geddes III, "Response to 'Comment on: On the inapplicability of a negative-phase-velocity condition as a negative refraction condition for active materials'," Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett. 52 (2010) 1681.
22. P S. Kim, Y. Su, A. Mihi, S. Lee, Z. Liu, T. K. Bhandakkar, J. Wu, J. B. Geddes III, H. T. Johnson, Y. Zhang, J.-K. Park, P. V. Braun, Y. Huang, and J. A. Rogers, "Imbricate scales as a design construct for microsystems technologies," Small 8 (2012) 901-906.
23. P H. Ning, A. Mihi, J. B. Geddes III, M. Miyake, and P. V. Braun, "Radiative lifetime modification of LaF3: Nd nanoparticles embedded in three dimensional silicon photonic crystals," Adv. Mater. 24 (2012) OP153-OP158.
24. P Y.-C. Chen, J. B. Geddes III, L. Yin, P. Wiltzius, and P. V. Braun, "X-ray computed tomography of holographically fabricated three-dimensional photonic crystals," Adv. Mater. 24 (2012) 2863-2868.

Working papers

1. J. B. Geddes III, "Optimal design of shaped optical pulses for selective excitation of coherent Raman scattering," in preparation (2015).
2. J. B. Geddes III, E. C. Nelson, and P. V. Braun, "Design of uniaxial metal-dielectric composites possessing enhanced third-order optical nonlinearity," in preparation (2015).

Conference publications


1. P J. B. Geddes III, M. W. Meredith, and A. Lakhtakia, "Pulse bleeding in thin-film helicoidal bianisotropic mediums," Proc. SPIE 4097 (2000) 352-355.
2. P J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Phase effects on reflection of narrow-extent pulses from axially excited chiral sculptured thin films," Proc. SPIE 5219 (2003) 83-91.
3. P J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Pulsed-beam propagation through a chiral sculptured thin film," Proc. SPIE 5509 (2004) 83-93.
4. P J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Durations and average speeds of ultrashort pulses shaped by chiral sculptured thin films," Proc. SPIE 6328 (2006) 632811.
5. P J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Swamping of circular Bragg phenomenon revealed by durations and average speeds of videopulses transmitted through chiral sculptured thin films," Proc. SPIE 6638 (2007) 66380O.
6. P Z. Jiang, D. L. Marks, J. B. Geddes III, and S. A. Boppart, "Nonlinear interferometric vibrational imaging of biological tissue," Proc. SPIE 6860 (2008) 68600Y.
7. P W. A. Benalcazar, Z. Jiang, D. L. Marks, J. B. Geddes III, and S. A. Boppart, "Validation of nonlinear interferometric vibrational imaging as a molecular OCT technique by the use of Raman microscopy," Proc. SPIE 7168 (2009) 71680T.
8. P J. B. Geddes III, D. L. Marks, and S. A. Boppart, "Optical pulse shaping for selective excitation of coherent molecular vibrations by stimulated Raman scattering," Proc. SPIE 7183 (2009) 718311.
9. P O. Seitz, J. B. Geddes III, M. Aryal, J. Perez, J. Wassei, I. McMackin, and B. Kobrin, "Antireflective surface patterned by rolling mask lithography," Proc. SPIE 8974 (2014) 89740V.
10. P M. Aryal, J. B. Geddes III, O. Seitz, J. Wassei, I. McMackin, and B. Kobrin, "Sub-micron transparent metal mesh conductor for touch screen displays," SID Symp. Digest Tech. Papers 45 (2014) 194-196.

Summaries and abstracts

1. J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Time-domain manifestation of the circular Bragg phenomenon in an axially excited chiral sculptured thin film," OSA Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, USA (14-18 Oct. 2001).
2. J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Shaping of electromagnetic pulsed beams by chiral sculptured thin films," Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, New Delhi, India (15-18 Dec. 2004).
3. C J. B. Geddes III and A. Lakhtakia, "Average speeds and durations of pulsed plane waves transmitted through chiral sculptured thin films," APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA (13-17 Mar. 2006).
4. C Y.-C. Chen, J. B. Geddes III, P. V. Braun, and P. Wiltzius, "Optical characterization of 3D photonic crystals fabricated by holographic lithography," APS March Meeting, Denver, CO, USA (5-9 Mar. 2007).
5. J. B. Geddes III, T. G. Mackay, and A. Lakhtakia, "Determination of sign of refractive index of active media via time-domain calculation," OSA Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, USA (16-20 Sep. 2007).
6. C J. B. Geddes III, E. C. Nelson, and P. V. Braun, "Design of uniaxial metallodielectric metamaterials having large optical nonlinearities," APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA (10-14 Mar. 2008).
7. Y.-C. Chen, J. B. Geddes III, M. Miyake, P. V. Braun, and P. Wiltzius, "Fabrication and characterization of three-dimensional photonic crystals templated by interference lithography," Micro Nano Breakthrough Conference, Portland, OR, USA (8-10 Sep. 2008).
8. C J. B. Geddes III, E. C. Nelson, and P. V. Braun, "Third-order nonlinear optical properties of uniaxial metal-dielectric composites," Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA (28 Nov. - 2 Dec. 2011).
9. C J. B. Geddes III, S. Kim, P. V. Braun, and J. A. Rogers, "Imaging and nonimaging transfer-printed gradient index optical devices," Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA (28 Nov. - 2 Dec. 2011).
10. B. Kobrin, I. McMackin, A. Renaldo, M. Aryal, and J. B. Geddes III, "Cylindrical mask optical lithography for advanced surface engineering," International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, Toulouse, France (16-20 Sep. 2012).
11. B. Kobrin, J. B. Geddes III, M. Aryal, and I. McMackin, "Nanostructured antireflective coatings by high throughput optical lithography," SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA (2-7 Feb. 2013).
12. I. McMackin, J. B. Geddes III, M. Aryal, A. F. Renaldo, and B. Kobrin, "Meter-long substrate nanopatterning using rolling mask optical lithography," SPIE Advanced Lithography, San Jose, CA, USA (24-28 Feb. 2013).
13. I. McMackin, J. B. Geddes III, M. Aryal, O. Seitz, and B. Kobrin, "Nanopatterned coatings for advanced glass products," Nanotech Conference & Expo, Washington, DC, USA (12-16 May 2013).
14. I. McMackin, J. B. Geddes III, O. Seitz, J. Perez, M. Aryal, J. Wassei, and B. Kobrin, "'Rolling mask' nanopatterning of advanced glass products," Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology, Barcelona, Spain (21-23 Oct. 2013).

Technical periodical articles

1. P J. B. Geddes III, D. L. Marks, and S. A. Boppart, "Design of matched optical pulses for coherent Raman imaging," Opt. Photon. News 20 (2009) 31.

Academic theses

1. J. B. Geddes III, "Manipulation of optical pulses with chiral sculptured thin films," Doctoral Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA (2006).
2. J. B. Geddes III, "Traversal of optical pulses through dielectric thin-film helicoidal bianisotropic mediums," Master's Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA (2001).
3. J. B. Geddes III, "Circular Bragg phenomenon and pulse bleeding in cholesteric liquid crystals," Bachelor's Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA (2001).

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